Fall 2020 | Media
Bloomberg Businessweek: The 10 People Most Likely to Influence the Economic Policy of a President Biden

This article was originally published on Bloomberg Businessweek



The fight for the soul of the Democratic Party is reflected in the diversity of the 10 people who have the most influence on economic policy in the circle surrounding Joe Biden, says a new analysis by the political-risk advisory firm Baron Public Affairs.

Disagreements among influencers, combined with Biden’s non-ideological approach, “would make the first several months an intense contest to set direction on key initiatives” if the former vice president wins the presidential election, Jonathan Baron, the Washington-based advisory firm’s founder, wrote in an email.

Baron Public Affairs released its top 10 list on Oct. 29. The top name on its list is Michael Linden, executive director of the Groundwork Collaborative, whose mission is to “develop and advance a progressive economic worldview.” Linden, a 2003 graduate of Brown University who didn’t served in the Obama administration, “currently focuses on advocacy,” Baron Public Affairs says in a two-page digest of its findings.

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